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  4. The Sunfire 300x2 is 'the complete' audio amplifier capable of enormous power into difficult loads down to 2 ohms and never breaks a sweat. These amps are so efficient, they do not even require a heatsink. Over the years however, aging components are contributing to faulty operation - from noise, buzzing and even catastrophic failure. Restoration for the Sunfire 300x2 power amplifier includes replacement of all electrolytic capacitors, predrive stages, voltage regulation stages and power supply updates. We clean the unit inside and out, and replace the meter bulb. Power supply capacitance is also increased with our low ESR array that will also increase the amp's transient response and current delivery. The unit is fully tested to spec, driven to max power down to 2 ohms, and calibrated. This work comes with a 3 year parts and labor warranty. Restore Cost: $500
  5. I've done recaps/refreshes on my own gear several times with good results. However, this m1.5t will go to my brother. I want this one to be done by a real pro, and Greg is that guy! I got it back today and unpacked it from the packaging I sent it in. It is spotless! I installed it into my basement system, replacing a refreshed PT-2400, driving a pair of ALS-III's. I listened to one of Tidal's playlists curated from the history of my music searches. For about two hours! Everything from old favorites to favorite test tracks to things I've never heard before. I was captivated. Well done and thank you! I'll be happy to present this to him, knowing it is properly refreshed and fully tested/verified. -Lee-
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  6. I updated my Carver M1.0t back in October 2015 to MKII opt002. It is still going strong and the backbone of my system. No thumps, no thermal issues, no hum, just great music. Seems like I just updated it, but it's been over 8 years. A very worthwhile and enjoyable investment! -Chuck C
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