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  3. I updated my Carver M1.0t back in October 2015 to MKII opt002. It is still going strong and the backbone of my system. No thumps, no thermal issues, no hum, just great music. Seems like I just updated it, but it's been over 8 years. A very worthwhile and enjoyable investment! -Chuck C
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  4. I received the amp with the opt 002 extra and am super pleased! Not only did the overhaul fix a dead amp at no additional cost, but the sound is tighter and the power even more endless (if that is possible with Carver amps). My sloppy old rock and roll speakers now sound like the music. I really appreciate the attention to detail: all of the exterior screws on the bottom are new and shiny (even if they won't be seen again for a decade) and the case was cleaned to spotless. Great work, Nelion Audio!
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